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fiction pour ADULTES - descriptions explicites / ADULT fiction, graphic descriptions - MA rating

mardi 21 juillet 2020

WildFire - Chapter 19


When she woke up in the morning, Nola found herself alone. She immediately noticed the crates holding the weapons were gone. She figured Oliver had hidden them somewhere so she couldn't see them. She started a new routine. Get water at the creek, brew some tea, and then explore the island some more. Oliver had his own routine, and it involved not seeing her. They lived separate lives, and it was fine with Nola.

She never left the plane without her journal and botanical book and collected numerous samples she could have a use for in the future. She also started fishing in the creek to vary their diet.

On the fourth day, she was tired of washing in a small basin and felt sweaty and dirty, so she decided to change that. She went to the river, walked up and downstream for a while, selected a nice place where the sun was shining throughout the trees, and started digging. She spent most of the day creating a pool in the creek, building a small dam to make it deeper. The water was cold, but it felt amazing to strip and take a bath. She washed her hair, feeling anew. 

Oliver was a bit worried when he didn't see Nola at the shelter. She had left tracks all over the forest, so he was unsure of where to look for her. He didn't want to see her, but at the same time he didn't want to lose track of her in case something happened. He started running  around the plane in circles, going further and further away. He'd started to worry when he spotted movement between the trees. He stepped closer and saw her. She was sitting in a small pool of water, washing her hair, obviously enjoying the moment. He watched her for a minute, glad she was okay, but he started to feel like a peeping tom, so he left and went back to the hideout, his mind replaying the times he'd shared a bath with Nola back at the manor.

Nola didn't mind the seemingly uneventful days. She always had something to do, even when it was just sitting in one of the plane's openings with a cup of tea and watch the rain fall. The only thing she missed was access to more books. She had taken three novels with her, finished one already, but didn't fell like reading the two others. One thing for sure, her book on Asian flora was essential. It had allowed her to spot a tea tree, and she had picked some leaves and buds she could make some tea of.

They rarely saw each other, merely crossing paths once in a while. He brought her the game he killed, and she fished. She also found edible plants to add to the menu. And she liked this tranquil life.

One morning, she noticed Oliver hadn't been back to sleep. He always did, even if it was just for a few hours, so it was unusual and she got concerned. She decided to stay in for the day, wait for him. As the hours passed, she grew more and more anxious. She had no idea where he could be, and was afraid to leave in case he came back.

It was late in the afternoon when she heard rustle in the forest. Her sigh of relief turned into a gasp of horror when she saw he was pale, limping, bleeding from the shoulder and thigh. She hurried and took a hold of him. He leaned heavily on her. She had a hundred questions for him, but shut up and lead him to the plane. When they got in, he sat down and she undressed him.

The wounds were ugly, both on his front and back. Nola breathed deeply. She could see the crimson of blood and pain, but not the sick green of infection.

« My medical supplies are in the wooden crate. »

She took it out, and grabbed her first aid kit. There was some water on the fire, so she took some to wash her hands, scolding her skin. She took a clean t-shirt and washed away the blood.

« How long ago were you shot ? »
« Around midday. I'll guide you through the procedure. »
« I know what to do, Aunt Kelly tutored one of our neighbour, who was studying to be a trauma nurse. Thank God I have a good memory. »

Nola took out another t-shirt and, making a compress out of it, pressed it firmly on the wound on his thigh.

« Your shoulder is a through and through, but the bullet is still inside here in your leg. »
« I kinda figured that out. »
« I'm glad no major organ or blood vessels were hit. »
« I'd probably be dead by now. »
« Yeah. Do you have something to bite on ? It's gonna hurt. I don't suppose you brought painkillers with you. »
« Don't worry, I can handle it. »
« All right, here we go. »

She stood behind him, nervous at what she was about to do. She had never done anything like that, and didn't like the idea of making Oliver suffer. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down. The rainforest scent coming both from the island and Oliver soothed her. She took the needle and thread and sew stitches. She didn't remember exactly how far apart they should be, so she did her best. Watching the number of scars on his body, she wouldn't do the worst job. And she was happy it was in his right shoulder, so his dragon would be intact.

« Let's get you on the bed now. »
« I'd rather stay here. »
« And I can't finish the job like that. Bed. Now. »

Oliver got up with difficulty and sat on the bed.

« Lie down. »

She took the wet t-shirt and wiped away the liquids coming out of his wounds. 

« Next. »

Oliver had been stitched up a number of times, but Nola's hands on him had a curious effect. He felt the pain but had a growing desire to grab her and make her lay down with him with kisses and cuddles. But she had made very clear she wasn't here with him for that, so he closed his eyes and recalled her sighs and her sweet smelling skin.

Nola was stitching his front wound when she realized the air was filled with the spicy scent of his desire. She had to stop a second to stop her hands from shaking as her own cravings were awaken. She emptied her mind, pushing away memories to concentrate on finishing her task. She put her aunt's special balm on the wound, covered it with a thick compress and got up.

« All done. Now I have to remove the bullet. »

Nola kneeled at his side and looked at his thigh.

« How do I do that ? »
« Take my hunting knife. »
« And open the wound more than it already is ? I'm thinking tweezers. »
« You have tweezers ? »
« I'm a girl. I take my manicure set with me everywhere. »

She wiped her hands, grabbed the small instrument from her pack and put it in the flames for a few seconds. She almost dropped them when she burnt her hand.

« Ouch. Damn it's hot. »
« You're okay ? »
« Yeah. Reminds me of the good old days ! »
« What ? »
« I was a Girl Scout once upon a time. »

She grabbed a piece of wood and went back to Oliver. 

« I'm hoping it will be enough. Bite. »

She poured disinfectant on the gash and inserted to tweezers looking for the bullet. Oliver groaned loudly, fighting against the pain. Nola started talking about her adventures in the woods with her Scouts group, recounting anecdotes so he would have something else to focus on. She had no idea if it was working, but it gave her something else to focus on than his pain.

« Found it ! »

She had trouble getting the bullet out, it kept slipping because of the blood. She grabbed her Swiss army knife to finish the job. They both were out of breath when she held it between her fingers. There was blood everywhere, so she did some cleaning before making the last stitches.

« I hope I don't have to do that ever again. »

Oliver sat up with a grimace.

« Thanks. »

He stood up with difficulties and Nola caught him as he started to stumble.

« Where do you think you're going ? »
« I have to go back ! »

Nola sighed and went to get his bow and an arrow.

« Okay. You can go wherever you want if you can shoot an arrow through the plane. »

Oliver took the bow, put the arrow on and started pulling the string. He paled at the effort, tried again and finally put it down.

« Lie down and rest, you're not going anywhere. »

He did as instructed and Nola watched him fall asleep in seconds. She put some more wood on the fire, burnt the trash and went to the pool to wash. She had a lot to think about.

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